What I will share with you is what happened after I said to
myself: I got to discover who I really
To be who I want !
To be who … I !
To be who ?
To be !
I don’t know if there are lessons
which we decide to learn, or we feed ourselves with the excuse that we are in
control of what’s happening around us, just to comfort the inner I, meanwhile
life is following its own path.
Now …
after having … let’s call it control, I admit I have never had it.
Was just the illusion of it. There were decisions, were influences, were life
experiences which pushed me to choose a way or another, which cursed me with
the thirst of knowledge.
recognise this ‘’Blouse Blanche’’ offers me no more than satisfaction behind
the smiles of the patients I treat. Offers me the immunity facing the quotidian
sorrow. And happiness is the ghost I was always looking for, but the route of
the great discovery is way too far to
be accomplished.
So let
the wind of the west to bring the bright future along with the blossom of the
unknown fear.